The Odessa Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture publishes the collection of scientific papers «Regional problems of architecture and urban planning» once a year for specialists in the field of construction, architecture and urban planning, employees of research organizations, students, teachers, postgraduates and doctoral students who received a Certificate registration of KV №12614-1498R from 22.05.2007.


of the scientific works collection
«Regional problems of architecture and urban planning»

For publication in the professional collection of scientific works are accepted previously unpublished scientific articles, with the following subject of publications:

  1. Urban planning.
  2. Architecture of buildings and structures.
  3. Theory of architecture. Restoration of monuments.
  4. Design of architectural environment.
  5. Architectural and Art education.

–  Download Article Requirements
–  Download the sample of article design
–  Download IEEE STYLE Literature List Rules According to the methodological recommendations «The International Style of Citation and Reference in Scientific Papers», Kiev, 2016.

The article should be relevant to the topic of the collection, published for the first time and include the following elements:

  • the relevance and formulation of the problem in general, its relation to important scientific or practical tasks;
  • analysis of recent research and publications that present a solution to this problem and which the author relies on; highlighting previously unresolved parts of the general problem addressed in this article;
  • formulating the goals of the article (setting the task);
  • presentation of the main research material with full justification of the scientific results obtained;
  • conclusions from the study and prospects for further development in this area;
  • list of references.

General requirements for the design of text

Articles are submitted electronically in a Word 97 - 2003 file in .doc format. The file name should include the publication's subject number and the first author's name (for example, 5 Ivanov.doc).

Articles are submitted in Ukrainian or English and are printed in the original language.

The text part of the article is typed on А4 sheets in Times New Roman 12 font at a single interval, aligned along the width of the page, margins 2 cm on each side, indentation − 1,0 см. The volume of the article should be 5-7 full pages with annotations.

The structure of the article:

Universal Decimal Classification (aligned to the left without paragraph, uppercase, bold);

title of the article (centered, all capital letters, bold, hyphenation not allowed);

surname, initials of all authors, scientific degree, academic title (aligned on the right edge, surname – bold; degree and title – inline);

the full name of the higher education institution or organization (italics, right-aligned; if authors are from different educational institutions, each author is written from a separate line);

e-mail (right-aligned and unique ORCID number);

the abstracts to the article (indentation, title bold, annotations should be written in two languages: Ukrainian and English).

The text of the first abstract:
- the abstract is written in the languauge of the main body of the article;
- the abstract is aligned with the width of the page and written in 8–10 lines.

The text of the second annotation:
- the abstract is aligned on the width of the page and is written at least 1800 characters, including keywords;
- the abstract should briefly repeat the structure of the article, including the introduction, goals and objectives, methods, results, conclusions;
- machine translation is not allowed.

keywords (line spacing not done, paragraph indent, bold name, keyword text max 6–8 words).

Article title, surname and initials, academic degree, academic title, place of work, abstract and keywords are repeated in Ukrainian and English.

There is a single space between the lines with the UDC index, the name of the author, the author's surname, the abstract, the main text and the list of references. There are two single intervals between the Ukrainian and English titles and the abstract.

the main text of the article :

The structure of the main text of the article according to the decision of the HAC of Ukraine No. 7-05 / 1 of 15.01.2003 (Bulletin of the HAC of Ukraine No. 1, 2003) should have the following necessary elements (the names of the structural elements in the text of the article should be bold):

  • introduction (statement of the problem in general form and its relation to important scientific or practical tasks);
  • analysis of the latest sources of research and publications in which the solution to the problem has begun solving (it is desirable that this is an analysis of recent publications in professional journals) and on which the author relies;
  • to highlight previously unresolved parts of the general problem to which the article is devoted;
  • formulation of the task (formulating the purpose and methods of researching the problem discussed in the article);
  • the basic material and results (presentation of the main research material with full justification of the obtained scientific results);
  • conclusions (scientific novelty, scientific and practical significance of the research results, prospects for further scientific developments);

literature (centered, bold; links in the text are given in square brackets [2]; in accordance with the requirements of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated January 12, 2017 No. 40 «On approval of Requirements for the dissertation», the list of literature should be designed using IEEE STYLE style according to the methodological recommendations «The International Style of Citation and Reference in Scientific Papers», Kiev, 2016, and is written in a column; writing «Information sources», «List of literature» are not allowed). The bibliographic list is in the original language and transliterated.

bibliographic list (References). Transliteration is used to reproduce Ukrainian proper names in English by translating the publication into English. The names of organizations and institutions that are not translated into English are also translated. Transliteration of authors' names is performed depending on the language of the original source in accordance with the requirements of the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 27, 2010, No. 55 «On streamlining the transliteration of the Ukrainian alphabet in Latin». The bibliographic list should be designed using IEEE STYLE style according to the methodological recommendations «The International Style of Citation and Reference in Scientific Papers», Kiev, 2016.

  Tables should be done in Word editors without being flooded. Each table must be printed with the appropriate heading and numbering after the first reference. Table widths should not exceed page margins. The font in the table must match the font of the article.

  Formulas should be executed in the Equation 3.0 Formula Editor using only standard fonts (Times New Roman; Symbol). Each formula is typed as one object, the numbering of formulas in Arabic numerals on the right in parentheses is aligned across the width of the page.

  Drawings (diagrams, photos) are presented in color after the first reference to them; must be grouped together and be a single graphic object; have the numbering and caption centered on the bottom with the central alignment of the font. The size of the captions in the figure should be in 12 pt.

Together with the article are submitted:

information about the author (author's reference): surname, first name, patronymic (full); academic title, academic degree; position, place of work; scientific interests, number of published works (articles, monographs, etc.), ORCID, contact addresses and telephone numbers; the mailing address to which the copy of the collection should be sent;

review of the article, if the author is a post-graduate student without co-authors with a degree in science and an academic degree;

Ukrainian version of English abstract to check the translation quality

Articles that do not meet the requirements will not be accepted.

The submitted materials are subject to additional review by members of the editorial board or leading experts in scientific fields, therefore, they can be returned to the authors for revision.

The final decision to publish the article is taken by the editorial board of the publication.

The rejected original of the article is not refundable.

Payment is made only after confirmation of acceptance of the article for publication.
The cost of publishing the article is 800 UAH.

Materials should be sent to:

Editorial office «Regional Problems of Architecture and Urban Planning»
Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture,
st. Didrichsona, 4
Odessa, 65029, Ukraine

Contact persons:
Dmytrik Nadiia O.
phone: (067) 559-12-99

Filimonov Serghei V.
phone: (050) 415-56-08


Academy website:

Billing details:

Information of payment methods can be clarified by contacting the editorial office.
Purpose of payment: «Regional Problems of Architecture and Urban Planning, OSACEA, the name of the first author»

Please, after sending the materials, be sure to call or contact by e-mail to make sure the materials are received and the decision of the editorial board to publish the article.


Didrichsona st.,4, Odessa, 65029

Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture (OSACEA)

Phone:  (067) 559-12-99,
(050) 415-56-08